Before going on an extended trip this summer (no about FANTASTIC), I went to Best Buy and purchased a few new movies for my boys.
The Sand Lot was one of those movies. I was trying to get my boys out of watching their traditional favorites Sponge Bob (gag!), Power Rangers (I just can't take it!), and Dora (for the millionth time!).
So I purchase
The Sand Lot. AWESOME! Total boy movie about Baseball. It's practically a classic.
We (and by we, I mean they) watched it about 3 times on the way to Grandma's (they stayed with my most AMAZING mother for 3 weeks!!). They loved it. I AM THE MOST AWESOME MOM EVER!!!
Cut to 3 weeks later....
I return from my trip relaxed and refreshed, ready to be the most amazing mom ever.
We begin our journey home from Grandma's and of course they want to watch
The Sand Lot. Which I have been told they watched EVERY DAY at Grandma's at least once, sometimes twice. But whatever, I just need them quiet and not arguing over who is touching who in the car.
So we start the movie...
The next thing I hear out of my three year old is...
"Oh S***!"
Me: What? We don't say that!! That is a BAD word!!
Ashton: But the big boys say it!
Me: But we don't say it!!
This has me beginning to question my choice of an "old classic" like The Sand Lot as appropriate for children.
About 10 minutes later I hear again from the 3 year-old:
Ashton: L 7 Weanie!!
Me: (trying really hard not to laugh) Now, that's not very nice.
Ashton: L 7 2 1 Weanie!! (over and over again)
So now I just try to ignore it! Because clearly he sees me breaking!
About 10 minutes later, from the 5 yr. old:
Gavin: What the H*** is that!
Me: Now, you know better! We don't talk like that! Where did you hear that from?
Gavin: The boy say it in The Sand Lot
I am now convinced that this movie was a terrible choice. I must be a HORRIBLE mom for buying this. I look on the back of the movie case just to check out the rating...yep I was IS PG.
Total parenting FAIL!!
(Since returning home they have continued watching The Sand Lot almost daily. Hey, it's better than Sponge Bob!! Don't judge me!!)